Charles E. Kaufman Foundation

Grant Publicity Guidelines

The following sections describe how to use The Charles E. Kaufman Foundation's name and logo when publicizing funding. Our staff is available to assist you.


To request access to a logo, please fill out and submit this form:

Request a Logo

Upon form submission, you will be given immediate access to a portal where you may download The Charles E. Kaufman Foundation logo.


The Charles E. Kaufman Foundation is pleased to have provided funding to your organization.

Please include an acknowledgement of Foundation's funding of your projects in all press releases, newsletters, brochures, annual reports and other promotional materials if space permits. By doing so, you will help the community understand how The Charles E. Kaufman Foundation supports fundamental research in biology, chemistry and physics at Pennsylvania institutions of higher education.

How to list the grants

This information must be included: 

Funding for the [INSERT PROJECT NAME] was provided by The Charles E. Kaufman Foundation of The Pittsburgh Foundation.

  • Always capitalize the “T” in The Charles E. Kaufman Foundation and The Pittsburgh Foundation.

If you have questions about these guidelines or have other media-related questions, please contact the Communications Department at The Pittsburgh Foundation by calling 412.391.5122.